=========================== Brought to you by NovaDisk+ for Windows 95/98/NT NOVASTOR CORPORATION Version 6.xx Home of the =========================== "No Panic Software" Installation Notes ------------------ To install NovaDisk+ for Windows 95/98/NT, run the file "SETUP.EXE" from the installation diskette. Simply type: a:\setup (If your 3.5" floppy drive is assigned as disk a:) or b:\setup (If your 3.5" floppy drive is assigned as disk b:) To install from CD, run the file "SETUP.EXE" from the root directory of your CD, or, if auto-insert notification is enabled, the SETUP.EXE program will auto-run. Files are compressed, the install program MUST be run for a successful installation. What's New ---------- * Using new virus scanner technology * Enhanced user interface * Enhanced error logging for easier location of problems * Enhanced logging to include more information/statistics * New logging format for easier reading * One-button log viewing * OPTIONS button with access to ALL program options * Redesigned OPTIONS menu display * Quick access to recently run Backup Procedures (BUP files) * Scheduler enhancements - Smaller executable size - History log generation option - Status display of passed/failed tasks * NovaBoot for Windows NT enhanced for maximum reliability * NovaBoot for Windows 95/98 uses SMARTDRV.EXE for faster recovery * NovaStor logo bitmap now "hyperlinked" to our web site * Help menu item has "hyperlinks" for Support, upgrades, registration and other products * Right mouse button support for popup menus * Updated list of supported devices in NovaBoot including: - Kanguru, SuperDisk, Iomega 2Gb Jazz, Iomega ZIP (IDE) and Syquest Sparq * Can now back up to UNC paths (network drives) NOTE ABOUT INI FILES: NovaDisk+ uses INI files to save program configuration in-between sessions. You should never have to use (manually edit/change) these files unless directed by NovaStor Technical Support. How to Change the Main Menu Bitmaps ----------------------------------- All NovaStor backup products now allow for the customization of the two bitmaps on the main screen. You can simply create and use your own bitmap using Paintbrush (or similiar program that can edit/create Windows bitmap files). This can be accomplished by naming your bitmaps DRAGON.BMP to replace the Logo and LOGO.BMP to replace the NovaStor Logo. Happy Painting! NovaBoot and Multiple OS Partition Warning ------------------------------------------ The NovaBoot Utility provides for disaster recovery for the active operating system at the time of backup. It is used to recover files that are "visible" at the time of backup. Though this may seem obvious, it is important to know that if you have your hard disk(s) partitioned to include other operating systems and files that are not accessible for backup, then these also cannot be recovered with the use of NovaBoot. In short, NovaBoot does NOT provide strict image recovery (sector by sector data restoration). Special Notes ------------- * FAT32 SUPPORT * You can determine if you have FAT32 support if, when you right-click "My Computer" and choose "Properties", the system reports a version number of 4.00.950b or greater. FAT32 is only enabled on your system when you 1) Choose FAT32 support when running FDISK, AND 2) Create a partition greater than 512Mb in size. NovaDisk+ and NovaBoot for Windows 95/98/NT has full support for FAT32. No special configurations or parameters need to be made. * THE REGISTRY AND YOU * You will notice that if you attempt to restore your registry (either Windows 95/98 or NT) that NovaDisk+/NovaBoot will warn you numerous times. This is because should _ANYTHING_ go wrong during the registry restore, your system will be corrupted and potentially un-bootable. Certain precautions should be followed when restoring your registry depending on whether it is an NT or 95/98 registry: Windows 95/98: Ensure any and all programs are stopped. Double and triple check the task list via CTRL-ALT-DEL and removing any running programs except EXPLORER and NovaDisk+ (if running). If your machine is networked, make sure nobody attempts to utilize your resources. You may even wish to go as far as to remove the networking cable from the back of the machine (please contact your SysAdmin first!!!!). Windows NT: Ensure any and all programs are stopped. Stop as many services as possible, especially server services such as SQL, RAS, DNS, WINS, TCPIP, etc. You do not want anyone logging onto the machine in question while the registry restore is in process. Don't be afraid to restore your registry, just be aware of the potential dangers. Of course, you will want a current NovaBoot Disaster Recovery backup handy just in case things go wrong. * NOVABOOT FOR WINDOWS 95/98 * Please note that NovaDisk+ backup sets CANNOT be used with the NovaBoot disaster recovery utility diskettes. You MUST use the NovaBoot utility to create a special backup set which can be recovered in a DOS-based configuration. If you attempt to use a NovaDisk+ backup set with the Novaboot disaster recovery diskettes, your system will not have it's long filenames restored and will be, essentially, unusable. You only need to re-create the disaster recovery floppies when your system hardware changes. * NOVABOOT FOR WINDOWS NT * NovaBoot operates complete different for Windows NT than it does for Windows 95/98. Our research and development department has yet been unable to determine a reliable way to boot Windows NT from floppy diskettes. Because of this limitation, NovaBoot cannot restore a full system from a floppy-based boot-up procedure as it can for Windows 95/98. Thus, NovaBoot utilizes other methods to help you recover from a full system disaster. NovaBoot (by your direction) will create four sets of diskettes to cover the most common disasters: 1) Boot manager fix diskette: You can use this diskette to fix your boot manager should you become unable to boot your system from the hard drive. You only need create this diskette once 2) Emergency Repair Diskette (ERD): This diskette contains the imporant information about your system. Should your system become completely un-bootable, you can use the ERD diskette, in conjunction with the NT boot manager, to re-build your system so it can boot. This diskette should be updated on a fairly frequent basis. 3) NT Setup Diskettes: These diskettes allow you the ability to re-install your NT system should a complete system disaster occur (such as corrupted partition, etc). If this should happen, use these diskettes to install a basic NT system to the hard drive and utilize the next set of disks to recover your system. You only need to re-build these diskettes when you updated your version of Windows NT. 4) Restore Diskettes: These diskettes contain the necessary programs to restore your system after a complete system disaster. You would insert your disaster recovery backup set in the necessary location and run the NTDATA program from the first diskette to start the system recovery process. You only need to re-build these diskettes when your system hardware changes. * SECURITY INFORMATION BACKUPS (NT ONLY) * Depending on your system configuration, you can have special security configurations for files, drives and/or subdirectories. NovaDisk+ and NovaBoot have full support for this information. This data is backed up each time you backup your NT registry. Please note that this information will ONLY be restored if you restore your NT registry, it is not stored on a file-by-file basis due to potential security issues. Please see the section above "THE REGISTRY AND YOU" before attempting a registry restore. A Note of Thanks ---------------- Thank you for purchasing NovaDisk+ for Windows 95/98/NT. We would also like to thank all our BETA sites and loyal NovaStor customers who have provided the suggestions and bug reports which have made this version our best yet! If you have any suggestions on how we can improve the program, please feel free to reach us by one of the following methods: NovaStor Corporation Email: sales@novastor.com 80-B West Cochran Street support@novastor.com Simi Valley, California 93065-6219 Phone: 805-579-6700 WWW: http://www.novastor.com Fax: 805-579-6710 FTP: ftp://ftp.novastor.com BBS: 805-579-6720